Camping Guidelines & Tips | Hansen & Heidelberg : Camping Guidelines & Tips

Camping Guidelines & Tips


Recently, Hansen and I had the opportunity to go to an introductory Backpacking class where we reviewed few of the guidelines to consider when you are out in nature! I've compiled a list to help you when you plan out your next trip.

Camping Guidelines 

Be Prepared and Have Your Plan Mapped Out
+First-Aid & Survival Kit: REI or a local outdoor-geared shop will sell a broad range of survival and first aid kits that are lightweight and easy to carry out on the trail. Depending on what your individuals needs are; anything from camping to a one-day hike will help you decide what you need.
+Travel in small groups
+Be prepared for terrain, hazards, emergencies, extreme weather conditions etc.
+Be informed: be familiar with the area, know the regulations, local species in the area to be on the alert for (i.e poisonous reptiles, bears, poisonous plants, etc.), as well as any other concerns you might need to be aware of.
+Prepackaged Food & Water: Trashcans don’t exist out in nature (and no throwing your trash in the fire pit isn’t an option either). Water is a crucial resource that you need when you are hiking/camping! Whether you are bringing in your water via camelback or have a water filter; it is an important necessity to not forget.
Travel/Camp For Minimal Impact
+Choose durable surfaces: this includes established trails and campsites, rock, gravel, dry grasses or snow.
+Camp at least 200ft from water: Human waste can have a detrimental impact on the local environment and wildlife, so to avoid having the least amount of impression it is best to camp at the minimum of 200ft away from water sources.
+Reuse campsites don’t make your own
Proper Waste Disposal Methods
+Pack it in, pack it out! This means anything you brought with you, needs to come back. 
+Solid Human Waste Trench: When you have Number 2 out in nature, dig a 6-8 inch trench at least 200ft. away from water, camp, and trails and cover it when you are finished. 
+Hygiene Products: Must be packed out including toilet paper.
+Examine cultural or historic structures and artifacts: do not remove or touch them
+ Leave natural objects including rocks and plants where you find them
Campfire Impact Minimization
+Use fire rings and only small fires
+Burn wood and coals to ash and when finished put out the campfire in its entirety and scatter the cool ashes
Treatment of Wildlife
+Wildlife should be treated with respect: observe from a distance, do not to follow or approach them
+Do not feed the animals. Feeding wildlife not only affects their diets and health but their natural behaviors as well which can expose them to predators and other dangers.
+Store your food and trash away from your tents or campsite in animal secured cases off the ground.
Respectful To Others
+Be considerate of their experience; avoid loud voices and noises and protect the quality of their experience
+Yield to others on the trail 
This list doesn’t encompass everything-if you want more information on guidelines while you are out exploring nature talk to a local State Ranger or your state park resource page.