Pop-fetti Balloons: The Birthday Box DIY | Hansen & Heidelberg : Pop-fetti Balloons: The Birthday Box DIY

Pop-fetti Balloons: The Birthday Box DIY


February is literally birthday month for us (not to mention Valentine's Day).
And believe it or not they all fall within the same week! Talk about a lot of birthdays all at once. Which can definitely be costly & add up quickly! 

+I think it is really important to ensure everyone feels special during their birthday; no matter how old they are!

+This year because Hansen and I are not in the same state as our family, I thought I would send my niece a special Birthday Box!

+She is going to receive a large cardboard box & a birthday card with a pin taped on the inside. How exciting, right???

On the day of her birthday she gets to pop birthday balloons full of confetti and glitter to uncover her gifts buried amongst the balloons. It was the perfect scavenger hunt / birthday surprise (I also explain how to add money inside the balloons, it's easy!). Note: Also, I think it would be cute to put small candies like starbursts or m&ms inside the balloons!


+Balloons (colors of your choice)
+Large cardboard box
+Bubble Wrap
+Construction Paper
+Hole Punch
+Tissue Paper (colorful)
+Step 1 Making the Confetti: Simply, use sheets of different colored construction paper and hole punch a generous amount of circles. Combine the construction paper and glitter; ta-da! You've made confetti!
+Step 2 Filling The Balloons: Using a funnel, place the nose of the funnel inside a deflated balloon and pour confetti slowly into the bowl of the funnel (If you are giving money, fold the money into a small square and ease the balloon over the money before you place the confetti in the balloons-the same goes for candy).

+Step 3 Blow, Blow, Blow: Start filling the balloons up with air (whether that be from your lungs or helium). Important Note: Since you are shipping them/putting them in a box, you have a limited amount of space, so make a variety of different sizes to create a "full" look.
+Step 4 Final Product: Place bubble wrap at the bottom and along the edges of the box to ensure the balloons don't pop during transport (you might lose a couple), place gifts, & arrange the balloons around the gifts to "hide" them. Then, finish off with tissue paper to add a bright & playful birthday box look!
It's incredibly easy, affordable, & perfect for anyone who is far away or for anyone you might not see for their birthday!
P.S Sorry for the late post, as I mentioned earlier, February is Birthday month, so I've been incredibly busy recently! But thank you for all the views & I'll be back to posting every Monday & Wednesday this next week!